Update overpacing on Goal widgets
Lagoon Parakeet
We have a request regarding the overpacing percentage displayed on the goal widget. Below is an example of how it's working now (please see the attached widget).
Budget: $51,000
Duration: 92 days
Ideal Daily Spend: $51,000 ÷ 92 = $554.35 (rounded up).
So far, 24 days have passed, and our actual spend is $15,200.14, which is $1,895.74 more than the recommended spend ($554.35 x 24 days = $13,304.40).
The widget shows an overpacing amount of $1,894.24, which aligns with the difference we expect based on the rounded-up daily spend value.
However, our main concern is with the overpacing percentage shown on the widget. For this example, the overpacing percentage is displayed as 4%. We believe this figure is a rounded-up result based on the calculation: ($1,894.24 / $51,000) x 100 = 3.71%
With the ideal daily spend being $554.35, we calculate the actual daily spending rate by dividing the amount spent to date by the days elapsed = $15,200.14 / 24 days = $633.34 (rounded up).
Then subtract: Current Daily Spending ($633.34) − Ideal Daily Spending ($554.35) = $78.99
Dividing it by the ideal daily spend ($554.35) = $78.99 / $554.35 = 0.1425
and Multiplying it by 100 = 0.1425 x 100 = 14.25%
Based on this calculation, we would expect to see an overpacing percentage of 14.25% instead of 4%.