Integrate with Zapier
Fandango Mink
Our company is growing, so it would be extremely useful for the efficiency of our time to be able to integrate Zappier.
Agne Kuniutyte
Merged in a post:
Automate workflows using Zapier for missing integrations
Bottom Wren
with missing integrations, pulling data from Google sheets is a viable, but manual process. Clients are asking if Zapier can be used to automate the workflow of extracting data, mapping column headers, importing into Google Sheets
There are potentially other use cases for Zapier
Beryl Weasel
Is there any updates on integration with Zapier?
Karolis Malinauskas
Merged in a post:
Zapier/Make integration
Funny Antelope
Integrate with Zapier so we can send parameters to our clients via email / whatsapp
Ultra pink Chickadee
Would be very helpful!