Filter Overview metrics by the campaign
Agne Kuniutyte
Agne Kuniutyte
Great news to all the voters! The New Overview version is as flexible as your table widget, also meaning that Filters and Metric editing is supported.
Please check out the new version of the Overview (it might be under a dropdown if you've been with us longer.
The benefits of the New Overview:
- Functions as a table widget - Takes seconds to set up.
- Easy to visualise both single and cross-channel source groups and blends
- Supports filters
- Supports CSV export
- Supports Sort by change and Comparisons to another date range
- Has Heatmaps, Spark Lines and Bar Charts as a Column visualization option.
- Goals and Alerts coming very soon!
Happy Monitoring!
P.s. Any issues or questions, please reach out to us via Live Chat support or book a call with your dedicated CSM.
Agne Kuniutyte
Merged in a post:
Overview filters
Compatible Dove
Would be great to have the ability to apply a filter on the source in the Overview
Profound Mouse
Please add asap - otherwise this overview is useless