Shiny Chicken
I would love to see this too! We make loads of reports for different clients, but templates don't always work for us, because different clients have different services. Sometimes I want to be able to copy a group of widgets from one report over to another, so that I have the same structure and data as I do on other reports.
Vita Gritėnaitė
Merged in a post:
Copy and paste grouped widgets from one report into another.
Tan Blackbird
It would be helpful to group, copy and paste widgets from one report into another.
Laurynas Arminas
Merged in a post:
Move a group of widgets to another folder
Crimson Bear
I need this whole section to be moved to another folder
normally I would go in the other folder and create first the widgets and then connect to the right GA4 connection. But it would be easier if I can copy or just move the whole section all together
Agne Kuniutyte
Hey Crimson Bear, just to make sure I understand. Do you mean moving multiple widgets to another Tab inside the report? Or to a Folder outside of report?
If it's a Tab, then you can do that through the three dots on the side of a widget group.
Drag-and-drop to a new tab is disabled for stability and performance of the rest of report functions.
Hope it helps,
Crimson Bear
Hi Agne,
I mean moving multiple widgets to another folder outside of the report.