Benchmark KPIs by industry, channel, country...
Changing Porcupine
With all the data on whatagraph, it could be really interesting to have some benchmarks by KPI, channel and even industry or country to be able to compare performance with this average. It could be used for CPM, CPC, CPA etc. Benchmark is a recurring demand from all actors when we talk about KPIs in order to evaluate the performance of an indicator ve an average. This could exist in overview but also as a comparison option inside a report.
Cyan Fly
Great idea but difficult to achieve. Who will correctly label the data? And how can Whatagraph split data based on performance goal. For instance an average CTR in Meta Ads is only interesting when you know both industry, region AND the used optimization goal. Mixing in CTR's from reach campaigns for instance would destroy the benchmark.
I love the idea though. :-)