Ability to make bulk actions inside the report
Agne Kuniutyte
Dear voters, part of your request is LIVE 🎉
You can now select, move, remove and reload multiple widgets. Use CMD or CTRL to select multiple widgets.
We'll continue working on additional features, such as source or filter change.
Amaranth Cod
Same - specifically I'd like to filter an entire report at once.
Obsidian Barnacle
Yesterday is late
Vocal Carp
Hello everyone! As this request is already being considered, I'm curious about the top actions you'd like to apply on multi-selected widgets. We'd like to make sure to cover the most needed actions first for better experience. Thus, looking forward to hear from you.:)
Normal Gopher
Vocal Carp: Hi Dunya, personally I would find it most helpful to be able to bulk update data sources (for example, changing from sample data to a specific data source for multiple widgets at once), and to add filters (e.g. campaign filters).
Convenient Antlion
Vocal Carp: Data sources especially as well as copying and pasting multiple widgets at once.
Ivory Swordfish
Vocal Carp: The ability to bulk update metric names or "enable scrolling" and "hide footer" across all widgets.
Amber Cobra
Convenient Antlion: Good Point, as well as changing sources filter of multiple widgets
Agne Kuniutyte
in consideration
Rosé pink Muskox
any feedback on this feature request. I am needing to change about 60 widgets per report and create over 80 reports
Vocal Carp
hello Rosé pink Muskox! Thank you for providing your inputs in the request. As we're considering to make required improvements based on this request, I'm curious about the top actions you'd like to apply on multi-selected widgets to make sure we cover the most needed ones first. Looking forward to hear from you.:)
Rosé pink Muskox
Vocal Carp: 2 main things: 1 - Date Range for the widget (as we cannot always use the report date range as we like to show YOY and MOM. 2 - UA changing over to G4 (this one might be trickier). 3 - sometimes we need to change columns(metrics) per widget table. For example we have a table to Age, Gender, Device... and then want to add conversion rate to all of these widgets
Hope this helps
Maroon Frog
Laurynas Arminas
Merged in a post:
bulk widgets and change date
Wealthy Loon
It would be great if you could select several widgets and make the same change to all of them. For example if you have widgets that have a comparison period, then you have to edit all of those widgets one by one when you are changing the report from one period to another.
Misty rose Boa
Inkwell Sheep
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